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“Artsakh Residents Rally for Livelihood: Demanding Employment and Pension Preservation”

Residents of Artsakh are organizing a protest to voice their concerns regarding employment and social issues that are affecting their livelihoods. Specifically, they are demanding the preservation of their pensions. The protest has attracted two groups of people – elderly citizens and military veterans who have served in military facilities for an extended period of time.

One of the participants, who is a military veteran, mentioned that they were supposed to be considered a part of the RA Armed Forces, but their biographies had been deleted for more than 20 years. They are not seeking any special favors or privileges, but simply their pensions for their dedicated service. However, due to their age, elderly veterans are finding it challenging to find new employment, making their pension even more crucial for their well-being.

One resident highlighted that they have faced discrimination throughout their long-term service in the military. As part of the protest, the participants had the opportunity to meet with Narek Mkrtchyan, the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, who expressed his desire to discuss the issue with the government and provide a response at a later time.

Stay tuned for the latest updates on the ongoing protest by the residents of Artsakh as they demand the preservation of their pensions and address their employment and social concerns.


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