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“In Crisis Mode: Japan’s PM Fumio Kishida Fights Record Low Approval Ratings as Dissatisfaction Soars to 62%”

Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida is facing a new challenge as his approval rating hits a record low of 28.3%, according to a survey conducted by the Kyodo News Agency. Dissatisfaction among the public has also surged to 62%. The cabinet’s credit rating has also taken a hit, dropping by 4 percentage points to 30% compared to previous estimations. Conversely, the level of dissatisfaction has increased by 5.3 percentage points to 62.5%. The survey reveals that approximately 40,000 households, or around $268, have experienced a significant decrease in disposable income due to increased taxes. The survey also examines assistance programs for financially struggling families.

The study, which was conducted through telephone interviews from November 3-5, does not specify the number of respondents. However, it highlights an alarming trend of declining approval for Kishida’s cabinet over the past few months. The lowest point was reached in February of this year when support for the cabinet’s actions plummeted by 26%. In December 2022, the approval rating hit a record low of 25%.

This new data adds to the growing concerns about the Japanese government’s ability to win over the public’s trust. As the nation grapples with economic challenges and increased taxes, the impact on households is becoming evident. The decline in disposable income for thousands of families is a clear sign of the strain they are facing. It remains to be seen how the government will address these concerns and regain the support of its citizens.

The situation in Japan is reminiscent of the challenges faced by leaders in other countries. As seen in various parts of the world, economic difficulties and unpopular policies can significantly impact approval ratings. For Prime Minister Kishida, it will be crucial to evaluate and address the concerns raised by the public. Only by taking decisive actions and implementing effective policies can he hope to regain the trust and support of the Japanese people.


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Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.