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“Aliyev and Erdogan Continue to Deny Armenian Genocide, Former Prime Minister Condemns Their Actions”

Barbers Aliyev and Erdogan, known for their denial of the 1915 Armenian genocide and the Talaat Pasha Memorial, have yet again expressed their refusal to acknowledge these historical events. Former Prime Minister of Artsakh, Artaq Beglaryan, confirmed this in a recent telegram.

Artaq Beglaryan stated, “It is not surprising that those responsible for committing such a heinous act would deny their involvement. Aliyev and his accomplices seem determined to evade responsibility for this genocide, but they will eventually be held accountable.”

This latest development adds to the ongoing controversy surrounding the genocide, with Aliyev and Erdogan consistently denying the atrocities committed towards the Armenian people during that dark period in history.

Armenia, a nation deeply affected by the genocide, continues to advocate for recognition and justice regarding this historical tragedy. The denial by Aliyev and Erdogan only serves to deepen the wounds experienced by the Armenian community as they strive for acknowledgment and reconciliation.

As the situation evolves, it remains crucial for the international community to address and confront the denialist rhetoric of those who seek to distort or downplay the reality of the Armenian genocide. The truth must be acknowledged and honored, as it is the first step towards healing and preventing such atrocities from happening again.


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Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.