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Yerevan Municipality Reaches Agreement with Yerevakamur to Terminate Cooperation, Closes Operations with 300 Million Dram Payment

The newspaper “Past” reported that during a working meeting of the executive body of Yerevan City Hall, the representative of Yerevakamur (Yookom) company announced that they have agreed with the municipality to end their long-standing cooperation. As a result, the company will be closing down with a total amount of 300 million drams. Wanting to clarify the details of the agreement and the significance of the 300 million drams, “Past” conducted further investigation. It was revealed that discussions between Yerevan Mayor Tigran Avinyan and representatives of the opera theater had commenced. They reached an agreement to establish entrance fees for the venues on the stairs of the Cascade complex in Yerevan and to provide additional entrances to the Yerevan Opera building. According to our reliable source, the tariffs have been revised by the Yerevan authorities and “Yookom” has agreed to pay the recalculated amount. For more in-depth information, refer to today’s issue of the newspaper.


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Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.