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Crime Law & Order Politics

“Accused in Police Violence Case Faces Extended Custody, Escape Attempt Foiled”

The newspaper “Hraparak” has reported that Levon Kocharyan, who stands accused of organizing violence involving firearms against the police, will remain in custody despite his recent attempt to escape on September 25. It has been determined that he will be held in custody for an extended period of time. On the other hand, the decision to release the remaining defendants, Mihtrdat Madatyan and Gerasim Vardanyan, who are members of the “Hayastan” party, from the pre-trial detention center has been revoked. The First Instance Court will reach a final decision on December 9, 2021.

Previously, when party members Mxitary Zakaryan and Artur Sargsyan were detained, the SC ruled that individuals who do not have legal status as defendants cannot be charged if they are in custody. However, there is no guarantee that the presiding judge will refrain from intervention and allow the accused to be released from pre-trial detention due to non-compliance.

For more details on this matter, please refer to today’s edition of “Hraparak” newspaper.

This is the latest news from Armenia, as reported by


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