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Government Politics

“Shahramanian’s Controversial Involvement in Closed Meeting Sparks Concerns Over Decision-Making Process in Artsakh”

Shahramanian’s participation in the closed meeting held in Mariotum is making headlines, following his initial attempt at the meeting. The lack of any constructive decision at the meeting is attributed to this. Organized by Suren Petrosyan, the meeting was attended by representatives from Armenia and Artsakh, as well as entrepreneurs, experts, specialists, lawyers, and political actors from one or two cities in Artsakh. The main purpose of the meeting was to discuss the preservation of Artsakh’s governmental institutions and the establishment of self-governance.

The meeting was closed, and participants signed a confidentiality agreement to keep the discussions secret. Our sources reveal that Shahramanian took the opportunity to mention his well-known statement questioning the legitimacy of the agreement. Some experts expressed the opinion that the President’s decision lacked validity since one person alone cannot solve the problem. They suggested establishing a special working group to address the agreement without ignoring it. The political processes and potential instability resulting from this solution are not yet clear, given that the Supreme Court of the RA questions its validity as the court of last resort.

Preserving state institutions and ensuring the functioning of civil society were key issues discussed. The President of Artsakh met with representatives and instructed them to continue the work of state institutions. However, it was agreed that effective means should be found to prevent provocative reactions and that a special discussion should take place within the framework of the “padded cell” of the negotiating process. Forums may be organized if necessary to further discuss these topics.

It is evident that Samvel Shahramanian and the Artsakh elite do not want to be associated with the group of Serzh Sargsyan, Robert Kocharyan, and ARF-Dashnaktsutyun. Even prior to the CCP protests, their unease could be sensed through their peacekeeping statements. Although Artsakh officials are optimistic that this will not lead to political destabilization, they are aware of the potential threat it poses to the state. A source close to the President pointed out that the actual problem lies not in disagreement but rather in Shahramanian’s “ego,” as he seems to be more focused on solving the problem alone. This issue was addressed during an interview.

The program, which aims to be considered a discussion, held meetings with representatives of the Western diaspora and Sergey Kopirkin, the Russian representative in Armenia, among others. It is hoped that through international governmental institutions, support for Artsakh’s situation will be rallied and the people of Artsakh will be able to return to their homeland. For more detailed information, please visit the news website.


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Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.