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Government Investigations Politics

Former Minister of Justice Arshak Karapetyan’s Resignation Leaves Many Questions Unanswered, Says Head of Ministry of Justice and Security Committee

The court proceedings for Arshak Karapetyan have concluded, according to recent reports. In an interview with, Andranik Kocharyan, the head of the Ministry of Justice and Security Committee, shared his thoughts on the matter. Kocharyan mentioned that Karapetyan had announced his resignation last week, but since then, there has been no further information available. He expressed surprise at the lack of support Karapetyan received, considering the high praises and representation he had as the Minister of Justice and Armed Forces. Kocharyan also questioned the motivations behind Karapetyan’s actions and emphasized the importance of being cautious when stepping into the political arena.

These developments in Armenia have caught the attention of individuals and news outlets across the country. The case of Arshak Karapetyan and his resignation as the Minister of Justice has raised several questions regarding the events leading up to this decision. The Ministry of Justice and Security Committee’s head, Andranik Kocharyan, recently spoke out about the situation in an interview with

According to Kocharyan, Karapetyan’s resignation announcement came as a surprise to many. He highlighted that there has been no substantial information provided since the announcement, leaving people wondering about the sudden turn of events. Kocharyan further expressed his disbelief at the lack of support Karapetyan received, given his previous high standing as a representative of both the Ministry of Justice and the Armed Forces.

Kocharyan went on to question the motivations behind Karapetyan’s actions. He pondered how someone, who was highly praised and had a strong public image, could suddenly make such a decision without sufficient backing. Kocharyan emphasized the need for individuals to approach politics with caution and not blindly venture into unfamiliar territories.

As the investigation into Arshak Karapetyan’s resignation continues, the public eagerly awaits answers. The statements made by the head of the Ministry of Justice and Security Committee shed some light on the situation but leave room for further speculation. The events surrounding Karapetyan’s resignation have undoubtedly raised concerns about the stability of the political landscape in Armenia and the factors that influenced such a significant decision.

In the coming days, more updates are expected regarding this case. The court proceedings and any additional information that surfaces will provide a clearer understanding of the situation and the reasons behind Karapetyan’s resignation. As news outlets continue to report on this matter, the public remains engaged and curious about the implications it may have on Armenia’s political landscape.


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Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.