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Armenia’s Minister of Economy Takes Initiative for New Agreement with EU: Subscriber Base Expansion on the Horizon

The Minister of Economy, Garik Hunanyan, announced during a press briefing on November 3 that negotiations will be initiated with the European Union (EU) regarding a new agreement. The agreement will address various aspects of EU subscribers, including healthcare and use of facilities. Hunanyan mentioned that there has been an increase in the subscriber base and the introduction of new services. While he couldn’t provide specific details, he emphasized that expansion is a key topic under consideration. The positive inquiry for negotiations has been received from the EU and member countries.

This news from Armenia highlights the government’s proactive approach in ensuring the welfare and rights of EU subscribers. By initiating negotiations for a new agreement, they aim to accommodate the growing number of subscribers as well as enhance the services provided. While the details of the agreement remain undisclosed, the emphasis on expansion suggests a dedication to meeting the evolving needs of subscribers.

With the growing subscriber base, it is crucial for Armenia to secure an agreement that addresses the requirements of EU subscribers. By including healthcare and the use of facilities in the discussions, the government acknowledges the importance of providing comprehensive services. This reflects their commitment to upholding the rights of subscribers and ensuring their well-being while accessing services in Armenia.

The preparatory phase of the agreement signifies the careful planning and consideration involved in the negotiation process. While the specific details cannot be shared at this moment, it is evident that the negotiations are receiving positive feedback from the EU and member countries. This indicates a willingness from both parties to engage in productive discussions and reach a mutually beneficial agreement.

The announcement by Minister Hunanyan sheds light on the proactive measures being taken by the Armenian government to foster a favorable environment for EU subscribers. It highlights the importance of dialogue and collaboration between Armenia and the EU, emphasizing the mutual interests and objectives of both parties.


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Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.