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International Military Politics

“US Concerns Rise as Russian PMC Wagner and Israel Mull Ballistic Missile Defense Collaboration: Wall Street Journal”

The US is reportedly considering potential cooperation between the Russian “Wagner” PMC and Israel in the field of ballistic missile defense, according to The Wall Street Journal. American officials have stated that they have received intelligence suggesting that the Wagner PMC may provide Russian air defense systems, such as the SA-22, also known as Pantsir-S1, to Hezbollah in Lebanon. Russia refers to this system as Panzir-C1 and it is a complex of air defense and missile defense systems. While Washington has not confirmed the shipment of these systems by Wagner, it is concerned about the cooperation between the PMC and Hezbollah, as well as the possibility of such supplies.

The article also highlights that the US has dispatched an aircraft carrier to the Eastern Mediterranean in an effort to discourage Wagner’s involvement on Israel’s side in the conflict with Hamas. It is noted that the Wagner PMC personnel are known to operate in Syria, where Hezbollah members supported by Iran are also present.

This development raises concerns about the potential impact of the collaboration between the Russian PMC and Hezbollah. The SA-22 air defense systems are known for their capabilities in countering ballistic missiles, making them a significant asset for any armed group. The fact that these systems may be supplied to Hezbollah in Lebanon is worrisome for the US and its allies.

In response to this possible cooperation, the US has taken proactive measures by deploying its military resources to the region. The presence of an aircraft carrier in the Eastern Mediterranean aims to deter any further involvement of the Wagner PMC in the conflict and reinforce the US’s commitment to supporting Israel’s security.

This situation also underscores the complex dynamics at play in the region, with multiple actors having vested interests. The presence of both the Wagner PMC and Hezbollah in Syria adds another layer of complexity to the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East. The US and its allies will continue to closely monitor the situation and take necessary steps to address any potential threats that may arise from this collaboration.


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