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“Turkish Political Leader Calls for Istanbul Strait Mission to Control Mediterranean Forces: What This Means for International Security”

The leader of the Turkish political party “New Enlightenment,” Fatih Erbakan, who is part of the ruling coalition in Turkey, has made a call for the deployment of Turkish forces in the Mediterranean. Erbakan, in accordance with Article 92 of the Republic of Turkey’s Constitution, is requesting the President to determine the parameters, size, and number of Turkish armed forces that will be stationed in the Mediterranean for one year. The purpose of this deployment is to enhance security in the Black Sea and the international waterway system. Yeni Akit, a news outlet, has published statements by Erbakan, stating that the party has already submitted an application to the National Grand Assembly of Turkey, addressed to the President of the Turkish Republic.

This development has caught the attention of various stakeholders who are closely monitoring geopolitical affairs in the region. The Istanbul Strait, being an integral part of the international waterway system, plays a significant role in global trade and security. The call for Turkish forces to be sent on a one-year mission might raise concerns and curiosity among observers, as it seeks to enforce security measures in the Mediterranean.

As per the statements made by Fatih Erbakan, it is clear that the “New Enlightenment” party firmly believes that deploying Turkish armed forces in the Mediterranean will contribute to safeguarding the Black Sea and ensuring security in international waters. The party’s request, addressed to the President of the Turkish Republic, calls for the determination of parameters, size, and number of forces to be stationed, as mandated by Article 92 of the country’s Constitution.

In response to the party’s call, the matter has been forwarded to the National Grand Assembly of Turkey, the country’s Parliament, for further consideration. This indicates that the issue is being treated with seriousness and will undergo a legislative examination before any decision can be reached.


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An investigative reporter based in Yerevan, known for her in-depth coverage of local politics.