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Law & Order

Unfair Dismissal Allegations: Former Employee Takes Armenian Red Cross Society to Court

Former employee of the Armenian Red Cross Society (ARCS), Aram Panosyan, has filed a lawsuit against the organization. Panosyan, who worked as a representative of the ARCS in Armenia, claims that his dismissal from the position was unfair and unjust. The director of the Red Cross cited “insubordination” as the reason for Panosyan’s termination, although the details of this alleged misconduct have not been revealed. This legal action is seen as a means for Panosyan to not only seek justice for himself but also protect the rights of his colleagues who may find themselves in similar situations.

The ARCS had previously reviewed and rectified Panosyan’s actions through its internal disciplinary body, offering him the opportunity to reclaim his position. However, this resolution did not come to fruition, and instead, the disciplinary process was suspended in an attempt to find a peaceful resolution. It is worth noting that the laws of Armenia, where the ARCS operates, do not allow for the suspension of operations in such cases. Hence, Panosyan has decided to seek redress through the general jurisdiction court.

Panosyan views this issue as fundamental, not only for his own rights but also for the rights of his fellow colleagues. By turning to the court, he aims to protect the rights of those who may face similar situations within the organization. The judicial session is scheduled to take place on November 1 at 12:15, at 41 Alabyan Street in Yerevan.



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